composer require barryvdh/laravel-debugbar
Problem 1 - jakoch/phantomjs-installer 2.1.1-p08 requires ext-bz2 * -> the requested PHP extension bz2 is missing from your system. - jakoch/phantomjs-installer 2.1.1-p08 requires ext-bz2 * -> the requested PHP extension bz2 is missing from your system. - jakoch/phantomjs-installer 2.1.1-p08 requires ext-bz2 * -> the requested PHP extension bz2 is missing from your system. - Installation request for jakoch/phantomjs-installer (locked at 2.1.1-p08) -> satisfiable by jakoch/phantomjs-installer[2.1.1-p08]. To enable extensions, verify that they are enabled in your .ini files