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Awesome Vue.js
Official Resources
External Resources
Job Portal
Official Examples
Vue.js screencasts on Laracasts
What’s New in Vue.js 1.0 on Sitepoint
Build an App with Vue.js: From Authentication to Calling an API on Auth0 blog
Create a GitHub File Explorer Using Vue.js on Scotch.io
Vue.js Tutorial on Vegibit
Vue.js build set-up from scratch with webpack, vue-loader and hot reload
Vuex basics: Tutorial and explanation
Vuex introduction video – James Browne from London Vue.js Meetup #1
Vue.js 中文系列视频教程 on Laravist
Vue.js: The Basics on Coligo.io
VueJs: Components on Coligo.io
Dynamic Components in Vue.js on Coligo.io
Develop a Reactive Invoice App using Vue.js on craigmckenna.com
Understanding Filters in Vue.js on Coligo.io
Hybrid App Example with Laravel and Vue.js in portuguese by @vedovelli
Creating a Markdown Editor with VueJs and GitHub’s API on Coligo.io
Building a Real-Time Web Analytics Dashboard with NodeJs, Socket.io, and VueJs on Coligo.io
Vue.js Introduction Turkish Language on oguzhan.in
Vue.js VideoTutoral Series in Spanish (3-8-2016) on YouTube by Juan Andrés Núñez
Building a Bookmarking App with Electron, VueJs, and Firebase on Coligo.io
Learn Vuex by Building a Notes App on Coligo.io
Vue.js Screencast Series in Spanish on Styde.net
讲解Vue.js 官网 中文-含代码、百度云、youtube ★672 on bhnddowinf
Exploring Real Time Apps with VueJS, ES2015 and Webpack on Pusher
[Vue.js in Bahasa Indonesia] (https://www.sekolahkoding.com/track/belajar-vue-js ) on sekolahkoding.com
Building a Mobile App with Cordova and Vue.js on Coligo.io
Vue.js from Scratch Series in Russian on YouTube by .dev
Створення сервісу для зберігання файлів з Flask, RethinkDB та Vue.js, ч. 1 Ukraine
VueJS 2 French tutorial Français par Grafikart
Jayway Vue.js 2 workshop. Build an e-commerce site with vue-router, vuex and vue-resource
How to Create Great VueJS Applications Using Wijmo Controls
**讲解Vue.js 2 官网 中文-含代码、百度云、youtube ** on bhnddowinf
Vue.js Cheatsheet: Server-side Applications, Router, Vuex Store, GraphQL and more by [@xpepermint ](https://twitter.com/kristijansedlak )
Medium like Image Loading with Vue.js
How to Use Vuex in a Laravel Spark Project on Metric Loop
How To Set Up Modules in Vuex on Metric Loop
Learn Vue 2: Step By Step on Laracasts
Vue.js 中文教程
Up and Running with the Vue.js 2.0 Framework on SitePoint
How to make API Calls with Vuex on Metric Loop
How to Use Vuex to Build a Feature on Metric Loop
Vue.js 2.0 Fundamentals on YouTube by DevMarketer
Vuex For The Clueless — The Missing Primer On Vue’s Application Data Store
Real-time Grid Component Laravel, Vue.js, Vuex & Socket.io
VueJS 2 – The Complete Guide (incl. Vuex) – Udemy Tutorial
Develop Web Apps with Vue.js on egghead.io
Vue.js 2 – Getting Started
Vue.js 2 & Vuex (Basics)
Türkçe VueJS Eğitim Videoları on YouTube by Fatih Acet
0.12 and earlier
Development Tools
Syntax Highlighting
Component Collections
VueStrap , Bootstrap components built with pure Vue.js by @yuche 1.0
VueBoot , Bootstrap v4 components by @Morgul 1.0
vue-mdl ★436 : Reusable Vue.js components using Material Design Lite. By [@posva ](https://github.com/posva )
Extra Vuestrap components , more components built with just B4 and Vue.js, by @kzima 1.0
VueStrap Base Components , A complete set of Bootstrap 4 web components built with pure Vue.js, by @kzima 1.0
Vux ★2,570 : Mobile web UI Components based on Vue and WeUI. By [@airyland ](https://github.com/airyland )
Vue Material Components : Vue.js UI components using materializecss.com by mjanys
Vue Upload Component : Vue.js Multiple file upload component support ie9 lianyue.org by LianYue
vue-comps : A collection of unstyled and unanimated plain vue components
keen-ui ★551 : A collection of essential UI components inspired by Material Design 1.0
material-ui-vue : materializecss UI components with Vue, by [@jack ](https://github.com/JackGit )
vue-spectre : github ,spectre components built with Vue.js by [@vace ](http://github.com/vace ) 1.0
vue-desktop ★219 : A UI library for building admin panel website, by [@ElemeFE ](https://github.com/ElemeFE )
smart ★25 : Reusable mobile components based on Vue, by [@shenlq ](https://github.com/shenlq )
vue-admin ★397 : Vue Admin Panel Framework, by [@fundon ](https://github.com/fundon )
vue-kit ★3 : Vue Website Framework, by [@gismall ](https://github.com/gismall ),demo:http://vue-kit.gismall.com
vue-material-design ★11 : A set of material components by [@loujiayu ](https://github.com/loujiayu )
mint-ui ★1,533 : Mobile UI elements for Vue.js, by [@ElemeFE ](https://github.com/ElemeFE )
searchable-select-dropdown ★3 : A Vue Component to convert the native html select-dropdown to searchable dropdown by [@rahulgaba16 ](https://github.com/rahulgaba16 )
Vuikit ★400 : A collection of Vue native components outputting UIkit layout 2.0
vue-bulma : Vue Bulma UI Components, by [@fundon ](https://github.com/fundon )
vue-disqus : Vue component to integrate Disqus comments in your application, with support for SPA
BootInput , Bootstrap input components for vuejs with validation, and form-group cascade. By [@neposoft ](https://github.com/neposoft )
vue-easy-slider : Slider component for Vue.js with control button. By [@Suhaha ](https://github.com/shhdgit )
vue-carbon Material Design Mobile UI Components
quasar-framework :star:800 SPA front-end framework on steroids. Endless list of components with Material and iOS themes. Build responsive websites and hybrid mobile Apps (that look native!) using same code, with Vue 2. Electron App included. With Webpack 2. By [@rstoenescu ](https://github.com/rstoenescu ) 2.x compatible
N3-components – A UI library, by [@zhangking ](https://github.com/zhangking ) Websites & native mobile Apps. Full Stack Toolkit.
vue-core-image-upload : A vue plugin for image to crop and upload [@Vanthink-UED ](https://github.com/Vanthink-UED )
ElementUI : Desktop UI elements for Vue.js 2.0 [@ElemeFE ](https://github.com/ElemeFE )
vue-beauty : Beautiful UI components build with vue and ant design
Radon UI : A elegant, simple, and efficient UI framework
vue-antd : Vue UI Component & Ant.Design
iView : A high quality UI Components Library with Vue.js
wovue : A collection of Vue components, a11y friendly, by [@wochap ](https://github.com/wochap/ ).
BootstrapVue Bootstrap 4 Components compatible with Vue.js 2 . ![GitHub stars](https://img.shields.io/github/stars/bootstrap-vue/bootstrap-vue.svg?style=social&label= ❤ &style=plastic)
vue-codemirror ★ Codemirror component for Vue.js(1.x ~ 2.0) [@Surmon ](https://github.com/surmon-china )
vue-video-player ★ Live / Video Player (based on video.js) for Vue.js(1.x ~ 2.0) [@Surmon ](https://github.com/surmon-china )
vue-material ★750 Lightweight components built from scratch exactly according to the specs. 2.0 by [@marcosmoura ](https://github.com/marcosmoura )
vue-notifications ★0 Agnostic non-blocking notifications library. Allow you to manage notifications in declaration style. 1.x – 2.x compatible [@se-panfilov ](https://github.com/se-panfilov )
vue-fa-calendar – Customize this printable Vue 2 Font-Awesome calendar component with your own classes.
vue-highcharts Highcharts component for Vue. ?
muse-ui Material Desgin UI library for Vuejs 2.0
vonic ★275 – UI Framework for SPA, based on Vue.js and ionic css components. by [@wangdahoo ](https://github.com/wangdahoo )
vue-scroller ★60 – Vue component for smooth scrolling, pull to refresh and infinite loading. by [@wangdahoo ](https://github.com/wangdahoo )
vue-prosemirror-2 Plugin to integrate prosemirror with Vue 2 2.x compatible by [@eljefedelrodeodeljefe ](https://github.com/eljefedelrodeodeljefe )
Vue2Leaflet Vue2 component that helps with leaflet interaction (Leaflet = a JavaScript library for interactive maps)
vue-impression A Vue.js 2.0 UI elements for mobile. by@NewDadaFE
vue-github-corners VueJS Component for Tholman’s Github-Corners
vue-clip Hackable File Uploader For Vue.js 2.0.
vue-numeric – Vue 2.0 Input field component to display currency value. By [@kevinongko ](https://github.com/kevinongko ).
vue-morris – Vue component wrapping morris.js charts lib. By [@bbonnin ](https://github.com/bbonnin ).
Libraries & Plugins
State Management
UI Components
vue-countup ★11 : A Vue.js component for the very interesting CountUp.js plugin. 1.0 compatible
Vue Tag Editor Component ★24 by @hnakamur
Vue Crop
Vue Typeahead
Typed select component ★4 by @dgerber
vue-select ★59 : A Vue.js component implementing the select control with the jQuery select2 plugin . By @Haixing-Hu
vue-html-editor ★97 : A Vue.js component implementing the HTML editor with the jQuery summernote plugin . By @Haixing-Hu
vue-datetime-picker ★92 : A Vue.js component implementing the datetime picker control using the Eonasdan’s bootstrap datetime picker plugin . By @Haixing-Hu
vue-country-select ★12 : A Vue.js component implementing the select control used to select countries. It depends on vue-select and vue-i18n . By @Haixing-Hu
Form generation from JSON Schema ★22 by @dgerber
vue-panel ★40 : A suite of Vue.js components for building Flexbox layouts by @ericmcdaniel
vue-google-maps : A suite of Vue.js components to build reactive Google Maps Applications by @GuillaumeLeclerc
vue-transition ★39 : A component to trigger a CSS transition at any time by @Twiknight
SVG icons , SVG sprites in form of a simple <icon>
component, by @kzima 1.0
Vue YouTube Embed ★19 : a component for Vue.js and YouTube by @kaorun343
Vue datepicker ★124 : calendar and datepicker component with material design for Vue.js by @hilongjw
vue-date-picker ★31 : A simple datepicker component for Vue.js by @Bubblings
vue-spinner ★240 : A collection of loading spinners with Vue.js.
vue-image-loader ★23 : Async image loader for Vue.js by @eduardostuart
Vue-progressbar ★73 : A lightweight progress bar for Vue.js by @hilongjw
vue-resource-progressbar-interceptor : An interceptor for vue-resource that adds automated progressbar (that is up one line) to all http requests
Famous-Vue ★13 : Declarative Famous using Vue
vue-waterfall ★296 : A waterfall layout component for Vue.js by @MopTym
vue-charts ★35 : A Google Charts plugin for Vue.js by [@haydenbbickerton ](https://github.com/haydenbbickerton )
vue-select ★305 : Simple component that implements Select2/Chosen style dropdowns with no dependencies1.0
Vue-slide ★60 : A lightweight slide component for Vue.js by @hilongjw
Vue-quill ★10 : A Vue component implementing the Quill text editor by @brockreece
vue-pagenav ★12 : A vue pagenav plugin by [@zxdong262 ](https://github.com/zxdong262 )
Vue-calendar ★7 : A vue calendar component with less code by [@cucygh ](http://github.com/cucygh )
vue-autocomplete ★35 Autocomplete Component for Vue by [@BosNaufal ](https://github.com/BosNaufal )
vue-loading-bar ★50 Youtube Like Loading Bar Component for Vue by [@BosNaufal ](https://github.com/BosNaufal )
vue-bootstrap-modal ★20 Bootstrap style modal component for Vue by [@Coffcer ](https://github.com/Coffcer )
vue-waves ★6 :Click effect inspired by Google’s Material Design ,the vue version By @Teddy-Zhu
[vue-table] (https://github.com/ratiw/vue-table ): component that will automatically request (JSON) data from the server and display them nicely in html table with swappable/extensible pagination component. By @ratiw
[vue-tables] (https://github.com/matfish2/vue-tables ): This Vue package offers an easy and intuitive way of displaying Bootstrap-styled grids with data coming either from the client or from the server. By @matfish2
[vue-smart-table ★50] (https://github.com/gurghet/vue-smart-table ): A simple grid component for building rich reactive tables
[fire-select] (https://github.com/firework/fire-select ): Vue component that transforms overwhelming select boxes into something fancy, simple and user-friendly. It is similar to Selectize, Chosen, Select2, etc.
vue-color ★125 , Color picker
vue-avatar ★27 : display user avatar with fallback to user’s initials.
vue-msui ★17 by [@yjj5855 ](https://github.com/yjj5855 ) : A Vue modal
vue-file-base64 ★5 – Vue Component for Converting File to base64 by [@BosNaufal ](https://github.com/BosNaufal )
vue-ripple ★11 – Vue Component to Make Google Material Design Ripple Effect by [@BosNaufal ](https://github.com/BosNaufal )
vue-scrollbar ★19 – The Simplest Scroll Area Component with custom scrollbar for Vue by [@BosNaufal ](https://github.com/BosNaufal )
vue-tagsinput ★10 : A tags input component based on Vue.js
vue-markdown ★57 : A Powerful and Highspeed Markdown Parser for Vue1.x.x & Vue2.0.x. By [@miaolz123 ](https://github.com/miaolz123 )
vue-awesome ★80 : Font Awesome component for Vue.js, using inline SVG. By [@Justineo ](https://github.com/Justineo )
vue-smoothscroll ★1 :scroll website smoothly , By [@Teddy-Zhu ](https://github.com/Teddy-Zhu )
vue-breadcrumbs ★11 : Implements simple breadcrumb functionality with vue-router. By [@SamTurrell ](https://github.com/samturrell )
vue-datepicker ★15 : datepicker component for Vue.js. By [@weifeiyue ](https://github.com/weifeiyue )
vue-timeago ★59 : A timeago component for Vue by [@EGOIST ](https://github.com/egoist )
vue-calendar ★26 : Vue Material date picker for Vue by [@ihanyang ](https://github.com/ihanyang )
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